KCBMWMC November 2023 Newsletter

KCBMWMC November 2023 Newsletter

BMW Motorcycle Club of Kansas City November 2023   MOA#46   Est. 1970 

From The President: 

With the “off season” for riding and events winding down I have been busier than ever “upgrading” my shop at home, planning our holiday party, and even setting a date for my sidecar picnic next July. The past several weeks have been spent “remodeling” my shop with cleaning, repainting and epoxy coating the floors. A much-needed improvement that I have waited many years to accomplish. Stop by and take a look when you are over this direction! Our holiday party will be at Cascones Italian restaurant South (Overland Park) on January 13th. There will be a nice variety of food choices and a very affordable price! More to be announced at our monthly Meeting November 27th. Mark your 2024 calendar for July 21st, the date for my 10th annual sidecar picnic.  

From The Vice President: 

What can I say, well we still need volunteers to help run the club. Board members, many rally volunteers, and just people who want to make things happen! If you want to have a monthly breakfast, “in between” evening meetups or get togethers become the organizer! Any of us can make these ideas happen and get the word out. How about YOU? 

Please submit your mileage contest reports by the end of November! 

Submit to:    vicepresident@kcbmwmc.com 

From The Editor:  

Please submit your 2023 museum ride challenge visits by the end of November to:        kcbmwmcinfo@gmail.com 

Also please keep your ideas for meetings and gatherings coming, we are compiling a list to review by the end of the year, all with the goal of making 2024 a great year to ride your BMW, make new friends and rekindle old friendships. Online club registration for 2024 is up and running, can be for on our website: KCBMWMC 2024 Registration HERE  

Meeting Notes:  

23 in attendance 

Treasurer’s Report – ending balance of $11,829 

Discussed having Ted Moyer from MOA attend one of our club meetings.  Possibly partnering the Gateway group and the Iowa group to see what kind of assistance we can get from MOA.  Ted asked that we document what changes we would like to see.  

Club director upcoming nominations: We need a Vice President, 2 board director members, and secretary for 2024. Bill Brown is willing to step down if anyone is interested in becoming club president, otherwise 2024 will be his last year to serve as president. 

We discussed offroad/dualsport rides at the 2024 rally and liability. Apparently, most clubs do not consider this or worry about liability for these rides. 

Holiday banquet discussions led to a decision to have the 2024 banquet at Cascones South, January 13th. Details will be announced at the November meeting. 

The 2024 club rally in Paola Kansas on Memorial weekend looks like a go, we need volunteers to make this happen, there is a list of available positions attached below.  

Click here > Rally Volunteer Positions 

Michael Spickelmier gave us a presentation of Brad Fischer’s great video from the Falling Leaf Rally in October. Michael, Brad, Bruce Weber, Mark Newby and several other Kansas City area riders attended the rally and had a really great time!  

See Brads Video here> Falling Leaf Rally Video  

See Michaels Video here > Falling Leaf Rally 2023                          


Blip Sunday Meetup and Wednesday Bike Nights –Every Sunday & Wednesday 

Blip Sunday Meetup And Bike Nights 

KCBMWMC Monthly Meeting November 27th 6PM (Come early) at:  

Pegahs Restaurant 12122 w 87th St Lenexa KS  66215      Pegahs Restaurant 

Santa Fe Trail AMCA Motorcycle Show February 3rd Lawrence Kansas  

Santa Fe Trail MC Show 

Join the club>   KCBMWMC Membership Application 

Club Website>  KCBMWMC.com 


KCBMWMC Board Members 

President William Brown President@kcbmwmc.com 

Vice President Teresa Rogers Vicepreesident@kcbmwmc.com 

Treasurer Greg Williams Treasurer@kcbmwmc.com 

Directors Randy Woy Director1@kcbmwmc.com 

Bernie Grossmann Director2@kcbmwmc.com 

Brian Scott Director3@kcbmwmc.com 

Secretary Open 

Webmaster Open 

Newsletter Editor Buddy Walton kcbmwmcinfo@gmail.com 

Rally Chairman   Bruce Weber   moa_84843@yahoo.com 

Have A Safe, Fun and Happy Thanksgiving!